Simplify the work days

I try to avoid dwelling on what day of the week it is. When you think to yourself “Shit, it’s only Tuesday” or “I wish it was Friday” it just makes you feel horrible. You look at all of that time that is left before you can get to the weekend and it just puts you in a funk. Instead, what I like to do is; I try to subconsciously think of my work week as 3 big days, instead of 5 little ones. I lump together Monday and Tuesday as “the beginning of the week,” Wednesday as “halfway to the weekend” and Thursday and Friday as “The end of the week.”

This way Tuesday doesn’t feel so bad, you’re a third of the way done and once I’m driving home that night I think, holy crap, it’s now officially the middle of the week! Then in a blink of an eye Friday comes and BAM before I know it’s 4am on a Saturday and I’m 2hours into trying to get my 5th blood thirsty on Yemen with my M-27.

I digress, anyway; try to deconstruct your week days into a more simple line up as 3 big days, or 3 solid sections at a time. It’s much more relaxing instead of always looking at it as Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. I find that it makes the week go by more quickly, and sort of gives me a little piece of mind that I have the weekend coming up. The more simple you can break things down mentally, even the way you view how many days of the week are left, the more at ease you’ll find yourself when up against those type of thought patterns.

Thanks for reading,
